Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Have You Been Smoking? - Smoking Loon Sauvignon Blanc 2007

I got a webcam. Video reviews of wine, yes/no? Leave a suggestion/thoughts in the comments please!

And here ends my stream of updates for the time being. 4/9 posts done, and the lack of sleep is getting to me. I'll post the next one tomorrow or the day after.

Continuing on my quest for a variety of cheap wine for my list, I picked up this guy. It was on sale - I thought, why not?

    Sauvignon Blanc, 2007
    Smoking Loon, California.
    Consumed: July 27, 2009
    Nose: Refreshing lemon with a hint of sweetness. Palette: OH GOD IT HURTS. An excruciating amount of bite and bitterness, not smooth at all to drink.

    Call me biased, but I stopped after three sips - cringed at the first, tried two more to see if I was imagining how terrible it was. I wasn't. The bottle was promptly donated to my roommate for a better cause - to be used for cooking.

    SBs are commonly lemony and grassy in flavor. Some do this basic flavor set really well, but this Smoking Loon exhibits neither aspect. I sure paid the price (though I'm glad I only wasted $6) for experimenting this time.

    The only reason I still wrote this review is to show that I have bad luck with choosing wine sometimes too! :( Also, I liked the pictures.

Final Verdict: STAY AWAY. PLEASE. Arguably the worst wine I've had since I started this blog.

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