For the time being I'm sticking to New World wines because I heard that they tend to be more fruity than their Old World counterparts. Anyways, a wine from New Zealand? How cool, I didn't realize that they made wine. I picked this up at the same time as the Yellowtail Chardonnay. I was a little bit hesitant to grab two wines from a similar area of the world, since I wanted to get a very diverse bunch of wines for that purchase (NZ, Australia, Chile - not too bad right?). This was the most expensive (but not by much) out of the small bunch, and I have to say, I wasn't disappointed. Let's rock this:
Sauvignon Blanc, 2008
Nobilo, New Zealand. $11
Consumed: June 5, 2009
Notes: On the nose, apple, lemon, and grass. On the swirl, the a sweet smell of fresh lemons vibrantly pop. Taste, a strong flavor of a mix of lemon and grass. Not particularly complex, but is very crisp. The lemon sits on the palate for the initial moment combined with a hint of grass. Then the grass kicks in while the lemon takes a backseat. Finally, both flavors fade to a linger for a quick finish.

I'll have to say this is the most interesting wine I've ever had. I have a lemon tree at home and the aroma reminded me of picking fresh lemons! The aroma is wonderfully fresh - I was already quite impressed at this point. The flavors are so... dynamic. They shift like crazy, which is something I've never experienced with Scotch. I was initially hesitant to taste it because I smelled grass, but it's just another flavor, doesn't put me off at all. According to Google, Sauvignon Blancs are crisp and fresh, with a very grassy flavor to it, (the grass intensity differing between producing regions) so this was supposed to be a "standard" SB. Interesting.
Final Verdict: Go for it! Great aroma, dynamic flavors. Not too cheap, but you won't be disappointed. Keep an eye out for other Sauvignon Blancs though, since they'll probably be similar even at a lower price point.
meh moo meep... those are robot sounds. Anyways, I was wondering if .png images look crisper than .jpg and .bmp? I want to make my blog look clean :) Also, why doesn't ur header go back to ur blog? U know what I mean? It doesn't link back to ur front page. I think it would be easier to go back that way.
ReplyDelete"Also, why doesn't ur header go back to ur blog? U know what I mean? It doesn't link back to ur front page. I think it would be easier to go back that way." Working on it. I'll probably fix it after finals are over and I have more time~